Secure Authenticators
Analog Devices Security Lab

The Basics

The Security Lab has been created to teach you how to successfully apply security protocols in your system or product.

It is designed to help you understand the importance of security, learn cryptographic terminology and be able to apply them using Analog's latest Secure Authenticator products.

New Here?

Click on any of the sections below to learn how to use each tab
  • Learning


The Learning tab is your first choice if you are interested in learning cryptography and its applications.
This section provides a step-by-step tutorial to guide you on your security selections and informs you about the importance of having a robust secure system.

A set of diagrams, videos and interactive images will ease the understanding of cryptography. We have not included all the complex mathematical theories required for each topic. Instead, each topic is explained with illustrations, examples and videos.

Navigating the Learning tab

  1. Click on any of the topics on the left side of the Learning window to start the tutorial.

    learning tab main
  2. The selected section will change the background color. To return to the main menu, simply click the selected topic a second time.

    learning tab sequence 1

  3. At the bottom of each section a set of buttons will help you navigate the selected learning path.

    learning tab sequence 2

    This format is used in most tabs and provides an easy navigation through each section.

Interactive Options

The diagrams displayed in each section will provide valuable information when working through the lessons.

learning_tab_sequence 4

The section also includes example videos that are easy to navigate. The controls provide options to play, pause, or watch the video in full screen.

learning_tab_sequence 5

If you are ready to start your learning path, click the Learning tab

For any other questions or request, feel free to contact Analog Technical support. Close section

  • Lab


The Lab section is your next step in your cryptography learning path.
If you are here for the first time or are unfamiliar with the basic concepts of cryptography, we recommend you to review the Learning Section first.

It is recommended to get familiar with the hardware used on this section to better understand each lab sequence.

Hyperlinks provide access to device documentation, ordering information, datasheets and customer support.

lab tab 1


  1. PC running Windows® 7 or higher with USB port
  2. Security Lab Application. The provided PC software application provides a web socket connection between the user’s hardware and the Security Lab website.
    More details are explained in the next section.

  3. MAXAUTHDEMO#1 with DS28C36 The hardware includes a USB adapter and DS28C36 evaluation board. The module includes the DS28C36 authenticator that has been preprogrammed to work with the lab demos.

  4. MAXAUTHDEMO#2 with DS28E38 The hardware includes a USB adapter and DS28E38 evaluation board. The module includes the DS28E38 authenticator has been preprogrammed to work with lab and demos.

Server/Client Communication

The communication between the webpage and the hardware is not executed locally on the computer. All communication is handled remotely by a back-end server.

  1. A remote back-end webserver is always running and listening to any browser connection or PC connection.

    back end server

  2. A web socket connection is established directly to the remote back-end server when the user opens the Security Lab website.

    websocket connection

  3. Attach the hardware to the computer's USB port and run the Security Lab application.
  4. The Security Lab application connects to the remote back-end server and the hardware attached to the USB port.

    Security Lab connection

  5. To send and receive communication between the two clients an access code is needed to establish a connection.

    Security Lab single connection

    The Security Lab application and the webpage are two different clients to the server and in order to start communication, the website provides its own number that the Security Lab application could use to start the "call."

    Since both applications are normally running in the same computer it looks like a single connection. Yet the connections are separate and depend on the back-end connection.

Navigating the lab

  1. The left side of the Security Lab window contains the list of all available labs. The list will change depending on the hardware selected.

    navigating lab
  2. The sections contain help buttons that guide you to through the steps and provides detailed information for each sequence.

    navigating lab information
  3. Navigation through the sequences is controlled by the Previous and Next buttons.

    navigating lab back and forward
  4. Hyperlinks provide access to device documentation, ordering information, datasheets and customer support. lab tab 1
  5. To return to the top menu, simply the selected topic a second time. To execute a different lab, simply click the lab. For labs requiring a different hardware, return to the main lab page, and make the desired selection. The new labs will be displayed.

    returning from lab

Running a lab sequence

  1. Go to the Lab and follow the instructions provided on the Lab landing page

    running lab main page
  2. The Security Lab application will open a command window with a prompt to enter the link code. running lab connection code
  3. On the left side of the Security Lab window, click the desired lab to start.
  4. Navigate the lab using the Next button. A small instructional message is always displayed with details of the step to be executed.
    Each section contains an Info button that provides details of what is being executed on the hardware side and information about the specific sequence.

    running lab info
  5. To return to the main Lab landing page, simply click the selected topic a second time.

If you are ready to start, click the Lab tab

For any other questions or request, feel free to contact Analog Technical support Close section

  • Tools


The calculators in the Tools tab follows the standard Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and will help with verification and system development.

Navigating the tools tab

  1. The left side of the tools window contains the list all available calculators.

    navigating tools
  2. Click on any button to execute the desired command or enter custom data into the text boxes, which supports both ASCII characters and hex data.
    navigating tools information
  3. Type or paste any desired text or hex values into the input section.
    The two checkboxes give the option to automatically convert the data to the desired format. navigating tools asscii
    navigating tools hex

If you are ready to start, click the Tools tab

For any other questions or request, feel free to contact Analog Technical support Close section